Bhagavad Gita- 5th chapter
Sanyasa yoga- Renunciation of actions
A person who shuts out external sense objects, fixing the gaze between the eyebrows, controlling the breath, the senses, the mind, intellect, desire, fear and anger attains liberation.
Arjuna asks Lord Krishna to advice the best path to follow: - Renunciation or Sanyasa; or Karma, the path of selfless action. The Lord replies that both renunciation (sanyasa) and performing actions which are selfless in nature lead to liberation of soul, but the path of action is superior to the renunciation of action, he says.
A man who does not hate or dislike and has a reduced number of desires in his life and who is not elated when happy or sad when troubles occur i.e.:- free from dualities is easily liberated.
The wise person realizes that knowledge and selfless actions are the same and a person who perceives this performs selfless actions renouncing the results and become untouched by the resulting karma. Such a person understands that only his senses are performing the work of eating, sleeping, breathing, drinking, touching, smelling, excreting, opening and closing of eyelids etc; for maintaining the body.
A person who performs any work by dedicating it to God and who does not desire for he result is like a lotus leaf, untouched by water or dirt even though it is planted in dirty water.
People who perform actions through he body, mind, intellect and their senses without attachment do so for purifying the mind. The person who relinquishes the result of action achieves peace whereas the person who desires for results like favors or rewards is bound by the karma.
The soul is the dweller in the city of nine gates (the body). Such a soul if it renounces all actions through mind is peaceful, neither acting nor causing to act. Man gets affected by the results of their karma or action. The lord is not concerned with it nor does he absorb sin or virtue.
A person when he achieves spiritual enlightenment is like the sun which shins brightly at noon. A man who is devoted and dedicated and whose mind is set on God achieves the state of no return and his sins are washed off.
A wise person looks upon everybody as equal including human beings and all living beings in this Earth. A man who knows the supreme Lord- Brahman enjoys the bliss of the self by being unattached to the senses. A person who controls passion and anger is poised, well balanced and happy. Such a person enjoys divine happiness within himself.
Sages whose doubts are dispelled, whose sins have been washed away, whose minds are controlled and who have realized the self, shutting out external objects, fixing the gaze between eyebrows, controlling breath free from desire, fear and anger is liberated when realizing the supreme God as the lord of all worlds and beings. Such a person attains peace.