How to make money by writing? Where to write to make money?
Which are the best websites to write for in 2012? The best money making
websites in 2012? What are the basics of writing for websites?
Writing content for websites has become a successful money
making method online. The internet
consists of countless websites. The webmasters need not necessarily know how to
write with the SEO factor in mind. Some of them may not have any idea about
writing at all. Therefore such people hire writers to write articles that can
attract visitors to their websites or blogs.
Writing is a skill that is not often the highly rewarded
job. It is not recognized as a source of full income by many. However, many
people are dedicated enough and do make a decent amount every month. They are
the ones who have studied the techniques properly and make use of every
valuable tool available in the web wide world. They use the services of social marketing
sites like twitter, face book, Google plus, Pinterest and others. Article
websites like ezine and alley are also made use to attract visitors to
Why is content king?
It is said that Bill Gates said that content is king. What
did he mean by that? Content is king because it is the content that attracts
visitors to websites. It is the words written that makes people take decisions.
Content has to be good enough to out ride a million other competitors throughout
the world. Do not be surprised because there are several people trying to do
the same thing, which is to make money, boost sales and increase revenue.
Therefore content which is rich will not suffer badly and increase business
Where to write for money?
There are numerous websites which pay a person to write.
Such websites provide direct and indirect opportunities. There are content
marketplaces and exclusive content sites to. Many of these sites have
established a position for themselves and are a force to reckon with. These
sites offer a writer revenue share which is good because it ensures an income
in the long run. Therefore if a writer writes about two or three articles a
day, he can assure of a good amount every month. The only requirement is that a
writer has to be careful to update himself otherwise he may find himself out of
the door if he logs in months later. The best sites that are very promising in
2012 are constant content, knoji, helium, expertscolumn, exposeknowldge,
iwriter, freelancer, donanza and others.
Of these, knoji is the only site which does not have a minimum payout
requirement. So a writer can claim even one cent. One can also sell content from blogs but it
is safer to sell through authorized websites in order to avoid being duped.
Accounts are being hacked without mercy of recently.
Therefore it is better to safeguard hard earned money with the help of strong
passwords. Money banks like pay pal; money bookers and alert pay have strict
rules and do not allow threats. It is wise not to reveal any personal
information as reply to spam mails. Better safe than sorry.
How to make money by writing? Where to write to make money?
Which are the best websites to write for in 2012? The best money making
websites in 2012? What are the basics of writing for websites?
Money, write for money, best writing sites in 2012, how to
make money through writing online?
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