The art of writing can get you a good income online.
You can get paid to write articles, stories, poems, tips, ads and what not. I even got paid to write a msg on a greeting card.
This new site has been introduced in 2014. The admins are a group of writers and friends who wanted to help others in their fold. So, they started a site which pays you to write a minimum of 150 word tips.
They share 70% of the revenue and you need not bother about the ad sense or other ad accounts. They pay out at the end of the month when the earnings are above 1$. Passive income is the attraction here as one need not spend so much time on writing tips based on experience. We have to submit original work though.
A writer who contributes often, will and can make more than a dollar each and every single day.
So, what are you waiting for, JOIN TODAY AND START EARNING.
There are writing contests each month and he contest for May offers 50$ as prize.
Besides this, if a writer gets more points, he or she will be paid weekly without request. It is auto payment. Please do not lose this opportunity to earn decently from your online work.
You can get paid to write articles, stories, poems, tips, ads and what not. I even got paid to write a msg on a greeting card.
This new site has been introduced in 2014. The admins are a group of writers and friends who wanted to help others in their fold. So, they started a site which pays you to write a minimum of 150 word tips.
They share 70% of the revenue and you need not bother about the ad sense or other ad accounts. They pay out at the end of the month when the earnings are above 1$. Passive income is the attraction here as one need not spend so much time on writing tips based on experience. We have to submit original work though.
A writer who contributes often, will and can make more than a dollar each and every single day.
So, what are you waiting for, JOIN TODAY AND START EARNING.
There are writing contests each month and he contest for May offers 50$ as prize.
Besides this, if a writer gets more points, he or she will be paid weekly without request. It is auto payment. Please do not lose this opportunity to earn decently from your online work.